(Gäller stugbokning)
(Gäller stugbokning)
Vid avbokning 30 dagar innan ankomst = ingen avgift, 30 dagar – 1 vecka innan ankomst betalas 25% av beloppet, 1 vecka eller mindre innan ankomst betalas hela beloppet.
Avbokning vid sjukdom senare än 1 vecka innan ankomst krävs läkarintyg.
If you do cancellation 30 days before arrival there will be no fee, 30 days – 1 week before the arrival you have to pay 25% of the amount.
If you do a cancellation less than 1 week before your arrive, then you have to pay the whole amount.
You need a testimonial if you do a cancellation less than 1 week before arrival because of a disease.
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